
Showing posts from December, 2018


INTRO/DEFINITION Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. A feast central to the Christian liturgical year, Christmas Day is a public holiday in many of the world's nations, is celebrated religiously by a majority of Christians, as well as culturally by many non-Christians, and forms an integral part of the holiday season centered around it. The traditional Christmas narrative, the Nativity of Jesus, delineated in the New Testament says that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in accordance with messianic prophecies. When Joseph and Mary arrived in the city, the inn had no room and so they were offered a stable where the Christ Child was soon born, with angels proclaiming this news to shepherds who then further disseminated the information. Frequency    Annual Related to Christmastide, Christmas Eve, Advent, Annunciation,...


By Stephen W. Boniface.        A life coach/speaker This is an Instruction in one among the Ten Commandments in the Scripture (Ex. 20:1-21, Deut. 5:1-23). Yes every one of you will agree with me that it has a blessing attached to it. I am 100% theist. But from my experience and from what I hear from some people I coach or counsel, I will stand to tell you that this particular verse have brought a lot setbacks and regrets to some of our youths today. It has become a belief that limits our progress and success at times. Good intention: Is that we treat our parents with respect and be grateful for them and listen to their good advice and instructions. Often times this instruction carry the following dilemmas that could hinder us from achieving our goals in life either fast or slowly.       C onditioned fear : extremely and overly concerned about disappointing your parents or that you will be disowned if you follow your heart. Som...


  Catriona Elisa Gray is known to spontaneously burst into song, which is most likely due to her love of the arts and her Master Certificate in Music Theory. A great travel buddy and definitely not a "scaredy cat," Catriona is always game for heart racing adventures. Zipline, anyone? This model is openly passionate about her love for Filipino dishes including adobo, balut, and the sweetest mangoes in the world. Catriona is an HIV/AIDS advocate at Love Yourself PH, and volunteers as a Teacher's Assistant to the students of Young Focus NGO. Catriona hopes to make her country proud at this year's Miss Universe competition. Catriona has a Bicolanos blood, and Bicolanos are people who live in the southeastern peninsula of Luzon, containing the six provinces of Bicol. Their language is referred to as Bikol or Bicolano. The Bicolano language is very fragmented, and its dialects are mutually incomprehensible to speakers of other Bicolano dialects. They made up the fi...

Photospeaks; I was invited for a first visit to Maharlika Toastmasters Club, Region 14/District75

. Maharlika Toastmasters Club is one among the thousands of chapters worldwide of Toastmasters International. I received a hearty and encouraging welcome


The sociological   understanding of social problems rests heavily on the concept of the "sociological imagination".  We discuss this concept in some detail before turning to various theoretical perspectives that provide a further context for understanding social problems. The Sociological Imagination: Many individuals experience one or more social problems personally. For example, many people are poor and unemployed, many are in poor health, and many have family problems, drink too much alcohol, or commit crime. When we hear about these individuals, it is easy to think that their problems are theirs alone, and that they and other individuals with the same problems are entirely to blame for their difficulties. Sociology takes a different approach, as it stresses that individual problems are often rooted in problems stemming from aspects of society itself. This key insight informed C. Wright Mills’s (1959) (Mills, 1959) classic distinction between personal ...

How Do People Respond to Traumatic Events?

People respond to traumatic events in different ways. Often there are no visible signs, but people may have serious emotional reactions. Shock and denial shortly after the event is a normal reaction. Shock and denial are often used to protect oneself from the emotional impact of the event. You may feel numb or detached. You may not feel the event’s full intensity right away. Once you have moved past the initial shock, responses to a traumatic event may vary. Common responses include: irritability sudden, dramatic mood changes anxiety and nervousness anger denial depression flashbacks or repeated memories of the event difficulty concentrating altered sleeping or insomnia changes in appetite intense fear that the traumatic event will recur, particularly around anniversaries of the event (or when going back to the scene of the original event) withdrawal and isolation from day-to-day activities physical symptoms of stress, such as headaches and nausea...

Research on CRIME as a social issue.

Factors including poverty, neglect, low self-esteem, alcohol and drug abuse can be connected to why people break the law. Some are at risk of offending because of their circumstances. Theories and causes of crime Criminologists study crime and try to explain its causes. The nature argument: Some criminologists believe one of the main reasons people commit crime is because it is in their 'nature', ie some people are more psychologically predisposed to committing criminal acts. There is evidence to suggest that some people are naturally more likely to commit crime. Recent research shows there are people who commit crime who are more likely to get angry or have no empathy or understanding of another person’s feelings, eg psychopaths. Research of this kind has focused on the way the brain works in people who commit crime. By way of response, some criminals are given medication in the form of drugs to control their behaviour. Criminological theories wh...


Have you ever noticed, or come across people sitting on the streets with a covering wrapper or small cardboard box, asking for spare of change? How often do you have the thought that there are huge numbers of people who have neither home nor job for self-sustenance? You may think perhaps, it is there fault; if they wanted, they would have it all. ‘Go find yourself a job’ is a common phrase the homeless people hears, and this phrase also add to the pains of the homeless people. Homelessness is the circumstance when people are without a permanent dwelling, such as a house or apartment.  ANTECEDENTS OF HOMELESSNESS: There are numerous objective reasons or antecedents that renders people homeless in our contemporary societies, these may include: - Property-Destroying Disasters (PDD): this includes disasters like Typhoon, (like in Japan, Sept.2018), flood(like in the Philippines,August 2018).Etc. - Domestic Fire: Very big number of families and individuals has lost thei...


The contemporary society (21th century) is descending into what I termed as “Religious Madness”, using Christianity as a focal point, there are so many unnecessary aberrations, dementia, derangement, lunacy, or insanity as the case may be, or you may put it in your own word for your own personal consumption. Humanity is proceeding down a dark path to immanent oblivion with the slope of that decline accelerating and even the common men and women on the street and market places can feel the wrongness of everything that is going on in the Christendom. As we all know, there are many religion in the world, known and unknown, I have been to some for research purposes. But Christianity, which is the most popular and recognized religion in the world today is uncontrollably derailing on daily bases as a result of the “literary” translation and understanding of the Christian Holy Book, “Bible”. The Bible is a Holy Book according to our belief as Christians; written by men, under the inspirat...


For the past two days in Asian countries, focusing on the Philippines where I am residing, I found it very difficult and stressful to move into the cities where I’m called upon for one service or the other. People, both private vehicle owners and daily commuter have been choked by heavy traffic jam. Because of the rush for those traveling to their various provinces, so many slept overnight in different bus terminals. It is often declared public holiday but people prefer not to rest and take the heat off sun and cold of rain to travel. So many celebrations in different bars, and horror houses. Only in Manila North Cemetery recorded a number of 50,000 people. Offices are been decorated with scores and skeletons. Now my questions remain, why Halloween, how come about it, is there deviations from the main reason of this celebration or festival? Halloween and its origin: Halloween or Hallowe'en (a contraction of Hallows' Even or Hallows' Evening), also known as Allhal...