From the creation of the world till now, how to achieve happiness has been a serious issue for many
great thinkers, authors, and counselors. The voyage for
happiness seems to be a big deal. Bookshelves and
magazines have volumes of materials with different
topics on happiness. Among other questions lingering in
the minds of many today include: “Why am I still living?
“Is it not better I join my ancestors?” “Is my life not
useless and a mess?”
It is part of our natural instinct to seek happiness.
We seek to experience physical pleasure and avoid
physical pain; we long for emotional pleasure and try to
avoid emotional pain. Our emotional enjoyment on what we call happiness is plainly part of human nature, which is why happiness should be the priority of every living being. Aristotle (384 - 322BC), in his Nicomachean Ethics: Books I to IV, wrote that “happiness is the highest good and the end at which all our activities ultimately aim.” Indeed, all our activities aim at some end, though most of these ends are means toward other ends.
example, when we go to the grocery shop to buy food,
we do this as a means toward the end of eating well. For
Aristotle therefore, happiness is the ultimate purpose of
human life. This book is a sounding gong which
announces to all, the need to embark on this voyage. No
one is exempted. It is by embarking on this voyage that
we can achieve the ultimate goal and purpose of our
lives - Happiness.
This book “You Too Can Be Happy,” hopes to unveil
different answers to the question “What is happiness?”
What can I do In order to be happy? It shall do this by
attempting answers to these questions in details by
pointing and explaining what happiness is, as well as the
different views and definition of happiness by some
philosophers. This book also journeyed into some of the
ways the younger generation can arrive at a happy life.
These ways include, but not limited to dealing with the
feelings of resentment, seeking God's presence, making
wise associates, quitting drugs, and avoiding
(Reach out to the author, Stephen Wise, to grab your copy! Check flyer for details).
The purpose of this book is to establish the fact that
happiness is not just a part and parcel of human
existence, but that humans are condemned to seek for
happiness. This book, dares to bring to the
consciousness of every one reading it, to be involved in
this voyage for happiness. This book brings to everyone's
consciousness that happiness is within us, it is with us,
and it is for us. It promises to be notoriously helpful and
of great benefit to parents, youths, children, future
generations, as well as in healthcare - especially when it
comes to some cases of depression, anxiety, betrayal or
any other psychological issues.
'You Too Can be Happy' by Stephen W. Boniface
It is this voyage for
happiness that will always lead you to the right means of
accomplishing your main purpose of living and give you
a reason to live your life no matter the situation and
You Too Can be Happy!
Stephen Wise,
November, 2018.
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