let's face it that people like people who are or looks similar to them. often times when things get rocky, harsh or tough, it is no longer about your ideas or skills. It is simply because people don't like you even without knowing they dislike you. Do you agree with me? racism is the extreme instance of this.
As a foreigner, to make people like or love you, you must need to dig deep in other to find out what your similarities are with those around you rather than focusing on the differences.
while it is germane, expedient to respect your own culture and traditions, following your residing country's customs and culture will make your acceptance more clear and easier.
Being one of them should be, and it is the first step to your success and survival as a foreigner. You should not/cannot fake your love of foreign culture, so you must build your understanding, tolerate and appreciate the local culture first.
This will prompt you to read vast, immerse yourself in their culture and socialize with the local people via food, sports, or other things both you and the others enjoy.
During my sociology classes and some other sociological findings, I was convinced that 'it is your love and adaptability that bring you success and survival in an environment' I quote "No Love and acceptance, no survival in a foreign land".
Anywhere you go you must find traditions that looks, if not similar to that of your native country. It will be for your own good if you learn to embrace and associate with the locals to an extent.
It is high time we learn to adapt and stop complaining of racism and hatred. whether we like it or not identity favoritism must be and has been. I may be forced to say it is intrinsic in 'man'
#youtoocanbehappy even you learn these facts.
I am STEPHENWISE. check me here @ www.talk2stephenwise.com
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